Week #5

Weekly Development Recap#5:

Greetings, High Noon enthusiasts! As we traverse the realms of game development, here's a recap of the latest enhancements and features that have taken shape in our gaming universe over the past week:

Technical Stability and User Experience Improvements:

--Resolved Scene Loading Issue (Black Screen):

Addressed the concern of players encountering a black screen after a scene load. The fix ensures smoother transitions between scenes, enhancing overall gameplay stability.

--Implemented Game Version System: Introduced a robust system ensuring players can join games only if they share the same version, maintaining consistency and compatibility among players.

--Displayed Game Version in Main Menu: Showcased the current game version at the bottom of the main menu, keeping players informed about their active version.

--Redesigned Notification System: Overhauled the notification system for better categorization and visibility, providing a more organized and streamlined communication experience.

--Implemented User Profile Menu: Created a dedicated menu for user account management, granting players easy access to view and update their profile settings.

--Featured Display Name Change Functionality: Introduced functionality allowing players to change their display names within the User Profile Menu, providing greater control over in-game identity.

--Displayed Account Creation and Last Login Date: Enhanced user insights by displaying the account creation date and the last login time in the User Profile section.

--Optimized for New Notification System Integration: Conducted a comprehensive cleanup and code refactoring to seamlessly integrate the new notification system, ensuring efficient functionality.

In-Game Enhancements for Immersive Experiences:

--Character Randomization Feature: Implemented a random skin assignment at the onset of each game, introducing diversity in character appearances for a more engaging experience.

Last updated